excerpts are collected from Private Websites Working on Switzerland banking system:
The two explanations for intensifying Swiss bank
secrecy in 1934 are not mutually exclusive. They both shed light on how bank secrecy had been viewed during the draft of the
federal law passed in 1934. On one hand, the notion was clearly formulated in an article devoted solely to bank secrecy, in
response to attacks from French Socialists; on the other hand, it included a criminal sanction due to German customs espionage.
The work of the Commission of Experts, which was
made up of Socialist representatives and rural communities, studied the various articles of the draft legislation. The representatives
of the banking sectors made no objection to formalizing bank secrecy. The National Bank was in favor of a provision that would
help fight against bank espionage. The records of the debates, as well as of the commissions and of Parliament, reveal that
the enshrinement of bank secrecy had not caused the slightest controversy.
The Socialists did not object to recognizing bank
secrecy by law - a silence that contrasted heavily with their actions over the past 20 years. But they had understood that
this law not only allowed foreign capitalists to keep quiet about their deposits, but it also helped political refugees or
victims of political or racist persecution to protect their property. In any event, even if the left-wing votes were welcome
in this debate, in accordance with the Swiss tradition of consensus, they were not indispensable in order for the law to be
passed by majority in the two Chambers.
So although there was no cause and effect relationship
between the persecution of German Jews and Swiss bank secrecy, they were the first to benefit from this law of far-reaching
general intent. To achieve this result, and in such a way, it was necessary to be Swiss and possess two qualities: wisdom
and slow-but-sure progress, applied to a system that favors sound and loyal resistance over time.
In 1934, the Swiss Federal Parliament explicitly
introduced the notion of bank secrecy for the first time in a section of the law and created criminal sanctions for the violation
thereof. There are two traditionally accepted interpretations of this event: Nazi espionage and pressure from the French Left.
The historian Peter Hug maintains that the origin
of the Swiss secrecy is to be found in France.
In 1932, the radical Herriot government was supported by the Socialist party. The international financial crisis made preparing
the national budget a perilous exercise. Herriot had planned an austerity program that was difficult to defend before a left-wing
parliament. That was when the Basler Handelbank affair broke out.
The president and vice-president of the commercial
bank in Basle were arrested by the French police. In their trunks, the Parisian investigators
found the list of 2,000 French clients who had confidentially deposited their holdings in Switzerland. They represented all of French high society: a few senators, a former
minister, bishops, generals and manufacturers.
The Chamber of Deputies set the stage for a raging
debate. The Socialist deputy Fabien Albertin denounced capitalism and tax deserters. As he had ties with the central customs
office, he was able to obtain a copy of the list of the accused and revealed its contents in defiance of State secret. He
assessed the amount of the French tax loss at 9 million francs and called for the government to organize a genuine tax extradition
through agreements with the other countries. The Minister of Finance jumped at the opportunity and announced that he would
negotiate with the Swiss government for legal authority over the accounts of French citizens. The Left supported the initiative
and demanded an inventory of French taxpayer assets in order to avoid any tax desertion whatsoever. To no avail, the Right
denounced a maneuver that aimed only to justify passing an austerity budget.
The debate was relayed in the French press. Le Figaro, representing the interests of the Right, waxed
indignant over an anticonstitutional debate, in which the separation of powers and State secret had been flouted. What is
more, this newspaper recalled that the deputies paid tax on only half of their premiums, while a small group of 8,600 taxpayers
- downright "suckers" - paid half of the global tax.
As for the Communist paper L'Humanité, it denounced the "2,000
bourgeois compromised in a massive organized tax fraud scandal". A list of 150 names
was published, while the newspaper Le Temps gave way to black humor: "Contraband is not something to be reprimanded. The government was wrong and whoever manages
to wrong it is hailed by all".
The Handelsbank bankers were questioned and summoned
to open their registers. They sought refuge behind the jurisprudence of the Federal Court that called upon bankers to retain
absolute confidence on their clients' files. There were heavy threats. The Herriot government presented its budget that projected
placing bank operations under tax authority surveillance: opening accounts, renting safes, all had to be declared by the banks
to the tax administration. But on 18 December the Herriot government was brought down, the affair lost its political clout
and became old news. All of the accused benefited from a dismissed case by reason of procedural flaw.
The debate did, however, have a strong impact on Swiss conscience. The increasingly flagrant State interference
with the private sphere, as much in France as in Germany, put the country's editorial writers in a flutter. An ever widening gap
was forming between this development and the liberal beliefs of the Swiss. Refusing to follow along the same downhill path,
they came to a consensus on the necessity to defend bank secrecy and the economic interests of the country as a whole. A country
of this size can only defend its independence by means of the law. With no convincing force to affront its powerful neighbors,
the Swiss government had to be able to rely on a clear and indisputable law that would prohibit it from violating bank secrecy,
even under the influence of pressure.
The first Swiss
banking clients were the kings of France
- who greatly appreciated the discretion of their money lenders. The Geneva
bankers were actually Protestants, who were often of French origin and chased out following the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
by Louis XIV in 1685. Putting the persecution they suffered in France behind
them, they continued to finance the King of France from Geneva.
At the time there was no better borrower than the king, who had both the ability to pay back his loans and insatiable financing
needs. Discretion was of utmost importance, for it could not be made known that the king borrowed from heretic Protestants.
One of the earliest
pieces of legislation regulating bank secrecy dates back to this period. In 1713, the Great Council of Geneva (cantonal council)
adopted banking regulations which stipulated the bankers' obligation to "keep a register of their clientele and their transactions.
They are, however, prohibited from divulging this information to anyone other than the client concerned, except with the expressed
agreement of the City Council".
Switzerland then became a political
and financial asylum for those fleeing the political upheaval that would tear apart the continent ever since 1789. It provided
a profitable safe haven for the funds of noblemen fleeing the Revolution, and the various governments that would follow during
the nineteenth century. Napoleon himself was a regular client of one of our partner banks.
In 1934, the Swiss Federal Parliament explicitly
introduced the notion of bank secrecy for the first time in a section of the law and created criminal sanctions. Why was this
law created? The first and most common explanation is the one taken up by the Swiss Bankers Association, which considers the
event to be a political act by the Federal Parliament to demonstrate its independence and its neutrality in the face of the
threatening power of Nazi Germany.
In the wake of the 1931 financial crisis, the
Weimar Republic
introduced strict foreign exchange controls. Many cases of economic espionage led by the German tax and customs authorities
were exposed in Switzerland, while the
Swiss laws were not sufficient to fight effectively against such practices. In reality, while the German agents risked deportation,
at the very most, the German clients who fell victim to violation of bank secrecy were harassed by the Nazi government and
forced to empty their Swiss accounts to the profit of the Third Reich.
In early 1933, the Swiss government felt it necessary
to incorporate criminal provisions in the legislative enactment it was working on. In that way, the justice system would have
more dissuasive weapons to guard against foreign infiltration. The will grew even stronger when Hitler came to power in 1933,
with his threatening attitude regarding his political opponents and the Jewish population. In June 1933, the German Nazi government created a series of laws that obliged German
citizens to declare all foreign holdings. The penalty prescribed for failing to do so was death: Any German national who, intentionally or unintentionally, led by lowly
selfishness or some other type of vile sentiment, has accumulated wealth or kept funds abroad will be punished by death.
In July 1933, a law was passed on the confiscation of goods belonging to public or State enemies, so allowing the Nazis to
seize all of the German Jews' assets.
The Gestapo was in charge of despoiling operations
abroad. One of the procedures they used to determine whether a German had an account in a Swiss bank was the following: an
SS agent in civilian dress would walk into a Swiss bank and give the teller a sum of money to deposit into the account of
Mr. X, who the Gestapo believed had an account in Switzerland.
If the banker agreed to make the deposit, there was proof that an account existed. In some cases, the mere look of discomfort
on the teller's face was grounds enough for the secret agent. Then all the Gestapo in Germany had to do was exert major pressure on the presumed bank client to give
instructions for the Swiss bank to repatriate the funds. (Note that with numbered accounts, neither tellers nor bank employees know the identity of the account holders, who are thus protected against this type of
When three Germans were put to death in 1934 for
having an account in Switzerland, the
Swiss authorities were convinced of the necessity for a strict law on bank secrecy to protect Swiss bank clients by the criminal
code. With the threat of imprisonment for any
banker who violated bank secrecy, the Swiss government imposed a blocking mechanism against its fascist neighbors' laws of
extraterritorial pretense. This protected the clients and the Swiss bankers, since no authority could henceforth constrain
them by law to commit a crime.
The tenacious Nazis nevertheless continued to
conduct banking espionage on Swiss territory. The most resounding case was in March 1935, with the kidnapping of Berthold
Jacob, a German Jewish refugee. Mr. Jacob was kidnapped in Basle by a German agent and taken to Germany. Swiss public opinion was outraged by such violation of Swiss sovereignty.
The government finally managed to get Berthold Jacob released, but this event made the Swiss people and authorities acutely
aware of the necessity for a law on espionage. A section was added to the criminal code in 1937 and served as an effective complement to the
provisions on bank secrecy.
Until 1934, bank secrecy was regulated solely
by civil law. A client could lodge a complaint for damages against any bank that neglected its duty of confidence. The cantonal
civil rights unified in 1907 by the Swiss civil code and the 1911 labor code provided sufficient guaranties for aggrieved
clients to enforce their rights. On the other hand, there was no criminal provision; there was no threat of imprisonment for
the banker at fault.
Swiss jurisprudence at the turn of the century
would confirm this duty of confidence on several occasions. In 1930, the federal court, the Supreme Court of Switzerland,
recalled that "the banker's confidence constitutes an implicit contractual duty". This affirmation was further developed
in 1932 in the case of Charpiot versus the Caisse d'épargne de Bassecourt (Bassecourt savings bank): "Bank secrecy is nothing other than the right of each bank client to
demand the strictest confidence from the bank in the business affairs with which it is entrusted; it is equally, and conversely,
the bank's duty to keep completely quiet about these affairs. For the banker in particular, this duty is independent of the
legal relationship between the banker and his or her client. Whether there is a written contract or not, violation of bank
secrecy constitutes a wrongful act according to articles 41 et seq. of the labor code".
Jurisprudence and the various provisions of the
civil code and the labor code provided a legal framework consistent with bank secrecy. And yet only an explicitly formulated
law could impart to this system the strength required to survive the calamity of the twentieth century. The Wall Street crash
of 1929 and the depression it inflicted upon Europe in the early thirties created extremely
strained international relations. In the face of rising fascism and popular fronts, a legal recognition of bank secrecy was
the only way for the Swiss government to openly declare its liberal beliefs and its refusal to interfere in the private affairs
of its citizens. This was accomplished by means of the Banking Act passed in 1934.
Swiss bank secrecy
has protected funds deposited in Swiss banks for over 300 years.
Genevan bankers
were the French king's bankers, and the first known text on bank secrecy dates back to 1713. Louis XVI even had a Swiss banker,
Jacques Necker, as director general of French finances.
Until 1934, bank secrecy was covered by various provisions in the Swiss civil code and the labor code.
Federal court jurisprudence fixed bank secrecy firmly in actual practice, so that a client who fell victim to violation of
bank secrecy could henceforth obtain damages from the bank.
The federal law on banking passed in 1934 clearly stated that bank secrecy fell within the criminal domain. A banker who infringed bank
secrecy was henceforth punishable by imprisonment, thus reinforcing the depositor's protection of the private sphere.
There are two reasons
why this protection was reinforced:
Nazi spies
The 1931 crisis led to intensified foreign exchange control in Germany. Hitler promulgated a law whereby any German with foreign capital was to
be punished by death, and the Gestapo began espionage on Swiss banks. When three Germans were put to death, the Swiss government
was convinced of the necessity to reinforce bank secrecy.
Pressure from the French
In 1932, the Basler Handelsbank affair revealed that over 2,000 members of the French elite
had accounts in Switzerland. French Leftists
took advantage of this to denounce the austerity program of the Herriot government. It called for legal authority over French
accounts in Switzerland, but to no avail.
In 1984, the people
of Switzerland once again elected by overwhelming majority, with over 73% of voters in favor of maintaining bank secrecy.
A number replaces
your name on all documents in connection with your account. The numbered account is part of the bank's internal measures to
limit the risks of bank secrecy violation.
This procedure helps to further safeguard your confidentiality.
Only a few people
at the bank know your identity. The other employees have no way of knowing who an account belongs to based on a number.
Your bank transfers
are marked: "Bank X for the account of a client".
Numbered accounts
are not anonymous: the bank always knows your identity.
Numbered accounts
are subject to the same laws as other bank accounts:
Bank secrecy will
be lifted in the event of a serious crime such as drug trafficking.
The numbered account
offers additional protection for private matters such as inheritance or divorce, for it is up to the plaintiff to identify
the bank in which the funds are deposited before the courts can pursue the case. The practice is rendered even more difficult
with pseudonym accounts.
Certain precautions of the part of the user are required to ensure optimal confidentiality. Your numbered account is above all an investment
The mythical Swiss numbered account,
the ultimate symbol of wealth, personal achievement and privacy.
True Swiss numbered
account - use a number instead of your name or in certain cases a pseudonym such as Octopussy or Cello
Extensive investment
services to invest your money and watch it grow
Personal, long-term
relationship with your personal Swiss banker
Can be opened in
the name of an offshore company or private foundation
Branches all over
Several precautions
have to be taken in order for the Chinese Wall to remain effective. As such, there are particular restrictions to this type
of account.
Incoming and outgoing movements are kept to a strict minimum. No checkbook is issued and there is no correspondence with the account holder. Teller transactions are impossible.
Withdrawals or payments are made essentially through the account manager or by credit card. Transfers from people other than the client are subject to special caution. For by automatically
accepting the transfer, the bank would implicitly confirm that the account existed. Before accepting the sum, the account
manager asks the client's opinion on the risks that accepting the transfer would entail. If the client refuses the transfer,
the bank replies that it does not have an account in this person's name.
The numbered account is part of the bank's internal
measures to limit the risks of bank secrecy violation. The management of a normal account entails risks of information leakage
that certain clients are not ready to assume. A bank order passes through many hands before it is fully processed. The documents
contain both the name and number of the client, and sometimes even the client's address.
All of the people who have access to these documents
are obviously subject to bank secrecy. Nevertheless, there is a risk, and one that is not insignificant, of certain less scrupulous
employees tempted by the price of this information on the blackmail market. How much is information about a politician's Swiss
bank account or the extent of a celebrity's fortune actually worth?
The numbered account was introduced in Switzerland to avoid these very types of temptation. The account
holder's name is separated from the account number. The client's banker knows his or her name and address. Once the account
is opened, the banker places all the documents that contain the client's name and address in a safe. Only a handful of people
have access to these documents, according to a very strict procedure: the bank manager and the appointed authorities can only
request certain files designated by their number. They must record this operation in a register by indicating the file number
consulted and then by signing. They can request only one file at a time.
Swiss banks do not maintain databases containing
the information that could match up the client's name with the corresponding account number for numbered accounts. The only
means of accessing this information is by verifying the contents of the safe. And belief us, they are very well guarded indeed.
By means of this Chinese Wall operation, the majority
of the employees work on accounts without knowing who the holders are. The less the secret is shared, the less risk there
is of it leaking out!
Swiss bank secrecy
is not lifted for tax evasion, even upon the request of a foreign government.
The failure to report
or underestimation of income or assets on a tax return are not considered a crime in Switzerland.
The Swiss are unique in that they attach greater importance to the respect of private life than they do to taxation.
Banks do not have the right to inform the Swiss tax authorities. They have even less right to inform foreign tax authorities.
As Switzerland does not consider tax evasion to be a crime, it
does not comply with any requests for judicial cooperation (also known as mutual assistance) from other governments.
A clear distinction
must be made between tax evasion and tax fraud. Tax fraud (falsified documents, sharp practice) is considered a crime in Switzerland as well. In this case, bank secrecy can be lifted
by a judge with jurisdiction and judicial cooperation can be granted.
The Swiss have a special relationship
with taxes. In reality, the Confederation of Swiss cantons was created in 1291 as a result of the refusal to pay the exorbitant
taxes demanded by the Emperor of Habsburg. The origins of the English parliament and American Independence also lie to some
extent in the British authorities' greed for taxes.
Another original feature is that in Switzerland, taxes are voted by the people. This means that
the federal and cantonal governments do not hold the same inordinate powers as other States have vested themselves with regard
to taxes. The Swiss feel that it is up to the taxpayer to assume his or her responsibilities: the system is founded on the
declaratory principle of the taxpayer.
This system is not as strange as it may seem,
since Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization) treats cases in the same way and intervenes only in those that
involve fraud.
Moreover, the principle of legal equality reinforces
the Swiss position. A law cannot be less favorable to a foreigner than it is to a national, unless expressly mentioned otherwise.
No tax authority in any canton has the right to demand information from a bank in Switzerland, so how could it be accepted that the French tax authorities, for example,
expect to obtain information from a Swiss bank?
The distinction between tax evasion and tax fraud
has direct consequences in terms of judicial cooperation, since Switzerland only grants judicial cooperation for criminal
matters when the foreign proceedings apply to an offense that is also deemed criminal in Switzerland (principle of double
jeopardy). Such is the case with tax fraud. The bank secrecy is lifted and the investigation can be carried through to completion.
However, Swiss law does not authorize extradition for tax purposes.
On the the other hand, tax evasion constitutes
an administrative offense with no criminal repercussions. Switzerland's
refusal to grant judicial cooperation for tax evasion is the result of particularities of the Swiss legal system. In accordance
with the principle of non-discrimination, foreign nationals are treated in the same way as Swiss nationals and benefit from
the distinction established by Swiss law.
Swiss bank secrecy
is regulated by both civil law (including the Banking Act) and criminal law. Violation of the secrecy can thus be subject to double punishment:
Fine and imprisonment
for the banker pursuant to the Banking Act and the criminal code.
Damages for the
client pursuant to the duty of care
Economic or tax espionage on behalf of the authorities of a third country is also punishable by criminal law.
Swiss bank secrecy
prohibits Swiss banks from revealing the existence of your account or disclosing information about it without your consent.
What does bank secrecy
Bank secrecy covers all your business relations with the bank.
It is not limited
in time. Bank secrecy protects all contacts with a view to opening an account, even if the account is never actually opened.
Similarly, bank secrecy remains in effect once your account is closed.
It concerns all
the people who work for the bank or are in contact with it.
What are the consequences
for a banker who violates bank secrecy?
Violation of bank secrecy is punishable by imprisonment of the banker, fine and payment of damages.
What are the limits
of bank secrecy?
Exceptions to bank secrecy are strictly regulated by law. They concern:
Criminal matters
such as drug trafficking or gun smuggling. Thus, bank secrecy is not an obstacle in the fight against serious crime. The majority
of cases for which bank secrecy is lifted fall under this category.
Private matters
such as inheritance and divorce. In practice, however, bank secrecy is rarely lifted in such cases.
Swiss bank secrecy
prohibits Swiss banks from revealing the existence of your account or disclosing information about it without your consent.
What does bank secrecy
Bank secrecy covers all your business relations with the bank.
It is not limited
in time. Bank secrecy protects all contacts with a view to opening an account, even if the account is never actually opened.
Similarly, bank secrecy remains in effect once your account is closed.
It concerns all
the people who work for the bank or are in contact with it.
What are the consequences
for a banker who violates bank secrecy?
Violation of bank secrecy is punishable by imprisonment of the banker, fine and payment of damages.
Any violation of professional secrecy in the banking
industry - whether intentional or not - is punishable by criminal law. Consequently, a Swiss banker who divulges information
about a client without his or her consent can incur up to six months in prison and a fine of up to 50,000 Swiss francs, since
double punishment is applicable.
The Swiss public attorney automatically begins
prosecution as soon as an offense is made known. This situation therefore differs from the violation of professional secrecy
by a lawyer or doctor, for in such a case it is up to the aggrieved person to take legal action.
In addition to the criminal sentence, the aggrieved
client can take civil action and sue the bank for damages.
All of this to say that the banks take every necessary
precaution to avoid violating bank secrecy and that this type of affair is practically non-existant in Switzerland.
The Swiss financial
hub is one of the largest in the world. It is sometimes accused of harboring dirty money due to its bank secrecy, although
these accusations are founded on mere generalizations.
What is money laundering?
Money laundering is a process whereby the origin of funds generated by illegal means is concealed (gun smuggling,
drug trafficking, etc.).
The Swiss stance
with regard to money laundering
The fight against money laundering is a priority for Switzerland. The Swiss authorities have been actively involved in the fight against
money laundering for a number of years now, with the full support of the Swiss banks. In reality, it is not at all in the
Swiss banks' interest to accept criminal funds: they do not need to take these kinds of risks to be profitable.
Tools for fighting
against money laundering
Switzerland has implemented preventive and repressive steps against money laundering in the form
of modern and comprehensive tools that activate effective procedures both within the bank itself and on an international level.
Bank secrecy does
not protect crime money.
Obligation to inform:
if the bank has the slightest suspicion about a transaction, it is under obligation to inform the Federal Reporting Office
for Money Laundering without delay.
Lifting of bank
secrecy: A Swiss judge can order the lifting of bank secrecy at any moment and seize the unlawful holdings if there
is proof that the account is a criminal matter according to Swiss law.
Note:Tax evasion (failure to declare income) is nothing at all like money laundering.
What is money laundering?
Money laundering is a process whereby the origin
of funds generated by illegal means is concealed (drug trafficking, gun smuggling, corruption, etc.). The objective of the
operation, which usually takes places in several stages, consists in making the capital and assets that are illegally gained
seem as though they are derived from a legitimate source, and inserting them into economic circulation. Money laundering is
not a new phenomenon: it's as old as crime itself. Criminals have always endeavored to conceal the origin of illegally generated
funds in order to erase all trace of their wrongdoings. Nevertheless, the forms and dimensions of this type of crime have
evolved in recent years. Since the seventies, the escalation of the drug market and globalization of organized crime have
led to a collective raised awareness with regard to the problem of money laundering.
Due to its stability, the quality of services
offered and its bank secrecy, the Swiss financial hub, like other foreign financial market places, was used by criminals who
wished to shield money generated by their illegal activities.
The banks are not the only pawn used to conceal
the criminal origin of capital assets. Since all bank transactions can be reconstituted and the criminal judge can conduct
investigations on them, they are not particularly suited for money laundering. That is why money launders tend to operate
through fictive companies, casinos, restaurants, jewelry stores, car dealers and art agents, as well as import-export operations.
Since the early eighties, Swiss authorities and
banks have reacted to the danger that abuse of the financial market by criminal organizations embodies. The national and international instruments that have been developed over the years have thus modernized the repressive measures derived
from ordinary criminal law and have created a new relationship between the authorities and those involved in the financial
sector. They are currently committed to actively joining forces in the fight against money laundering.
Swiss anti-money laundering procedure
A Swiss examining magistrate has the right to
conduct a search of a bank within the context of a criminal case. The search must be justified by accurate and objectively
founded evidence (i.e. there has to be proof) and it must be conducted with precision.
If the public attorney fears that the investigation
could lead the suspect to withdraw his or her holdings, the examining magistrate can conduct a surprise search or order the
bank to freeze the suspect's accounts. Only Swiss magistrates and, in the case of an administrative inquiry, certain Swiss federal civil servants can question a banker.
During the interrogation, the banker is asked
whether the person in question, accused or not, has an account, a safe or power of attorney with the establishment. In practice,
the judges send out a circular to all the banks in the country, asking them whether a given person has an account with them.
Once the accounts are located, the judge can then have them frozen by criminal court order.
Measures used to combat money laundering at an
international level
Switzerland collaborates in
the fight against organized crime on several fronts:
International judicial
Switzerland has ratified
several other bilateral and multilateral international agreements through which it is committed to providing judicial cooperation
- also referred to as mutual assistance - in criminal matters. The most significant agreement was constituted by the European
Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters on 20 April 1957. In accordance with the "Federal Act on international
mutual assistance in criminal matters" (1983), Switzerland
grants international judicial cooperation in criminal matters. In such procedures, capital assets can be frozen and, if need
be, released to the foreign authorities. Judicial cooperation is granted when the crime under prosecution is also punishable
in Switzerland and the foreign authority guarantees that it will not use
the information issued from Switzerland
for any purpose other than the investigation.
Switzerland is a member of the International Criminal Police
Organization and thus participates in the exchange of information between police authorities.
Basle Committee
on Banking Supervision
played an active part in concluding the Declaration of the Basle Calmat on Banking Supervision, which, in 1988, established
the first international code of conduct for banks, with an aim to prevent any abuse of the banking industry for money laundering
Financial Action
Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF)
Switzerland is also a member of
the FATF, an intergovernmental body that was set up in 1989 at the G7 economic summit in Paris
and is open to most members of the OECD. Its purpose is to develop and promote strategies to combat laundering of the proceeds
of criminal activities. To this end, in 1990 it implemented 40 recommendations that all the countries are encouraged to adopt. These recommendations form the internationally
recognized standard of measures that a country must take to fight effectively against money laundering. They concern the countries'
legal and financial systems, as well international cooperation. An active participant since the FATF was founded, Switzerland has integrated these recommendations
into its system of law (criminal code, Money Laundering Act). Many of the FATF recommendations were drawn from the standards
put in place by the Code of Conduct on due diligence between the Swiss Bankers Association and the Swiss banks. Member countries
of the FATF have accepted the discipline of being subjected to multilateral surveillance.
On the occasion of its most recent
study (February 1998), the Swiss anti-laundering provision was judged conform with FATF Recommendations. The efforts of the
banks were thus confirmed and acknowledged.
Strasbourg Convention
1993, Switzerland also ratified the "Council of Europe
Convention no. 141 on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime". The Strasbourg Convention,
just like the Federal Act on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, allows Switzerland to cooperate effectively on an international level for the fight against
cross-border criminality and the financial tools it employs.
Measures used for the fight against money laundering
has one of the tightest provisions in Europe as regards the fight against money laundering.
The Swiss
criminal code punishes any offense committed within the context of organized crime (money
laundering, corruption, fraud, drug trafficking, gun smuggling, etc.). In the course of legal proceedings, a Swiss judge can
order the banks to lift bank secrecy in order to obtain information on certain accounts. Thus, bank secrecy is not an obstacle
in the fight against organized crime.
To fight the abuse of the financial market place
for money laundering of criminal funds, the Swiss criminal code has been revised and improved on several occasions. On 1 August
1990, Articles 305a and 305b of the criminal code entered in force.
Article 305a takes punitive action against money laundering, which is defined as any act of hindrance to the identification, search
or confiscation of capital assets of criminal origin. Money laundering is punished, regardless of where the major offense
took place.
Article 305b punishes the lack of vigilance in financial transactions, particularly the failure to verify the beneficial owner.
Professional financial intermediaries are bound by what is referred to as the Know your customer principle, and are
required without fail to identify the true owner of the funds, who is known as the beneficial
owner. Negligent identification of the contracting partner or establishing of the beneficial
owner is punishable.
Article 305b was substantiated by a second paragraph,
which entered into effect on 1 August 1994 and granted bankers and financial operators the right to transmit to the authorities
any supporting information or evidence on assets that are suspected to be of criminal origin. In exercising this right, the
banker no longer risks facing the consequences of violating his or her duty of confidence, at least on a criminal basis. The
new 1998 Money Laundering Act transforms this right to communication into an obligation.
At the same time, the Swiss legislator improved
upon these provisions by adopting a series of articles that aim to repress organized crime. Article 260b of the criminal code
renders punishable any person who has participated in an organization that keeps its structure and its collaborators secret
and that seeks to commit criminal acts of violence or to obtain revenue by criminal means. What is more, articles 58 to 60
of the criminal code reinforce measures relating to the confiscation of assets of unlawful origin.
Banking surveillance and self-regulation
banking system in Switzerland assures
a large part of its regulation. The Swiss Bankers Association and the Federal Banking Commission have enacted rules that must
be followed by the entire banking system.
1. Code of Due Diligence
The banks are also
subject to self-regulation rules issued by the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA), notably the "Agreement on the Swiss banks'
code of conduct with regard to the exercise of due diligence when accepting deposits and upholding bank secrecy" of 1
July 1977.
This agreement primarily concerns ethical issues,
with a view to ensuring banking activity management that is beyond reproach. It also provides for the appointment of a Supervisory
Board in charge of curbing violations to the agreement. It binds the Swiss Bankers Association and the signatory banks.
This agreement establishes in particular the duty
to identify the contracting partner or the beneficial
owner, in the case that they are not the same person, and prohibits anyone from actively assisting in capital flight and in
ploys that aim to deceive the Swiss or foreign authorities (tax, customs, legal, etc.).
Compliance with the Code of Conduct is guaranteed
by bank auditing firms, who notify the Federal Banking Commission (FBC) and the Supervisory Board of any offense that has
been reported or that is legitimately suspect. The Supervisory Board can issue a financial penalty of up to 10 million Swiss
francs. Over the years, the Code of Conduct on due diligence has become an extremely effective surveillance instrument. The
FBC considers that compliance with this code of conduct is the minimum standard for fulfilling the condition of guaranteed
irreproachable activity.
The Banking Act has instituted an independent
supervisory authority called the Federal Banking Commission (FBC). Upon request, it grants the authorization to practice a
banking activity once the all the conditions have been met. One of these conditions is the guarantee of banking activity that
is beyond reproach. At any time the FBC can verify whether a bank still meets the conditions and, if this is not the case,
it can withdraw the authorization.
2. Money laundering policy
The FBC has developed
a policy regulating the duties of banks and traders in securities when accepting capital assets. In particular, it enacted
the "Policy on the prevention and fight against money laundering". The policy provides elements for interpreting the
criminal code; it gives concrete expression to the standards that the banks and the traders in securities must respect with
regard to the guarantee of irreproachable activity as defined by the Banking Act.
The organizational requirements oblige banks and
traders in securities to enact an internal policy, to train personnel and to implement a special anti-money laundering unit.
Reference is made to the bankers' Code of Conduct for verifying the identity of the contracting partner and of the beneficial
In the event of an unusual transaction, of a higher
amount, or if there are signs that point to possible money laundering, additional inquiries must be made. A list of indications
of money laundering helps to create employee awareness on the issue. Special care must be taken with funds that are known
or presumed to come from the corruption or the abuse of public property, particularly for funds of people who exercise important
official duties abroad or in firms with which they have close ties. Entering into business relations with such people must
be the result of a decision made by the management.
Regulating the financial sector
Until now,
only the banks were subject to the Code of Conduct on due diligence and the money laundering policy. The "Federal Act on
the prevention of money laundering in the financial sector"(MLA), entered into effect on 1 April 1998 and applies the
same principles to the entire financial sector.
This act serves as a supplement to the provisions
of the criminal code. It applies equally to all financial intermediaries, i.e. any person who, on a professional basis, accepts,
maintains deposit of or helps to invest or transfer assets belonging to a third party (e.g.: banks, fiduciaries, wealth managers,
traders in securities, funds directorates, lawyers and notaries, the post office or the Swiss Federal Railways and change
The act imposes on financial intermediaries new
organizational duties (training personnel, internal controls) and policy duties (verify identity of the contracting partner,
verify beneficial owner, even clarification of the economic background of a transaction that shows signs of laundering, retaining
documents attesting to the verifications made).
In accordance with this law, all financial intermediaries
are henceforth obliged to inform the Federal Reporting Office for Money Laundering when, in a business relationship, they
know or presume, on the basis of sound evidence, that money laundering is taking place. This office is attached to the Federal
Office for Police.
Since the first year the Money Laundering Act
has been enforced, 80% of the 210 declarations recorded were made on behalf of banks. Cantonal investigations are currently
underway in 161 of the cases. In total, 423 million Swiss francs have been frozen.
Central Offices for Criminal Police
In 1994, the Central Offices for Criminal Police were
formed within the Federal Office for Police. They are assigned to lead investigations on narcotics trafficking and counterfeiting,
to coordinate Swiss and foreign investigation procedures, as well as to assess all information relative to organized crime.