(written by Milap Choraria).
1) Who can participate in the Debate?:
- He / She must be a purchaser of the Book: A Model of New Constitution for India, written by Milap Choraria;
- He / She should fill-up the Free Application Form;
- He / She should agree with the Terms and Conditions for the Debate.
- He / She shall select 10 most important / sensitive suggestions from the Book and submit his / her own views without taking
any help from any one considering that in case such suggestions are made applicable, what will be the short or long terms
2) He / she should forward complete fill-up Free Application Form, signed copy of agreed Terms and Conditions
for Debate, his / her views regarding impact of 10 most important / sensitive suggestions, to the organisers by Registered
Post only. Otherwise, application would be rejected.
3) Each initial Group of Ten Participants will be composed by the Organisers from the different locality
and segments and ID numbers having last numbers as 0 to 9 will be allotted to each participant and informed by Email address
given by him, in Application Form.
4) Every participant will be allowed to use his / her ID numbers as E-mail/Chatting ID at the Website of
the Organisers, where identification of names will not appear.
5) Every Participant should debate in each selected suggestion with another participant having opposite views,
through such E-Mail/Chatting system. In such manner, actually he will debate each issue with one participant totaling 10 separate
participants, without knowing their names.
6) On each suggestion, both participants will be given a schedule with 3 Days time. Winner in each issue
gets "1" point and looser will get "0" point.
7) One participant from initial Groups can get maximum number of 10 points. However, Student having age of
18 years or above will be given 50% Bonus Points, against points they will earns, but maximum numbers of total points including
Bonus points shall not go beyond 10.
8) One Participant from each initial group, who gets highest points will be given "Guaranteed Award" of Rs.1,000/-.
9) In case more than one participant get similar higher points, Organisers will give them fresh issues (referred
in the suggestions) for the Debate and will take a decision that who should get Award.
10) During the Debate, repetitions of any of his earlier views will put him / her out of the debate.
11) In Email/Chatting system removal of the typed text not permitted.
12) Subsequent Groups of Twenty Guaranteed Awardees will be composed from the different places and segments.
13) Participant from each Group of Guaranteed Awardees, should debate within their own group, on the 10 issues
assigned by the Organisers.
14) On each issue, each Guaranteed Awardees will be given a schedule with 3 days time.
15) From each Group of 20 Guaranteed Awardees who will get maximum points, will be given Consolatory Award
of Rs.10,000/-.
16) In case more than one Guaranteed Awardees get similar higher number of points in one Group all such Guaranteed
Awardees will be assigned 10 fresh Issues and organisers will take a final decision that who should get Award.
17) In the same manner Debate will be held for 125 Semi Awards for Rs.50,000/- each.
18) The debate for selection of 5 Brilliancy Awardees and 1 Excellency Awardees will be held in one to one
debate amongst 125 Semi Awardees in presence of few renowned personalities from the different part of the country, but not
the politicians. The issues for Debate will be assigned by the Organisers. Decisions of the Awardees would be taken by the
Organisers in accordance with secrete but separate recommendations from each renowned personalities. If recommendations forwarded
by the renowned personalities may go beyond the requisite numbers then matter can be forwarded to all 125 Semi Awardees to
select requisite number of the 5 Brilliancy Awardees and 1 Excellency Awardees from the names recommended by the renowned
personalities, through secret Votes in presence of such renowned personalities.
19) Place for one to one debate of the 125 Semi Awardees will be decided by the Organisers, and participants
cannot raise any objection to it. Menu will be completely for vegetarian food.
20) If any participant fails to attend any part of the Debate for any reasons whatsoever, he will be out
of the Debate, and cannot raise any dispute in this respect.
21) Debate will be a continued process, till target of participants would meet. However, as and when
any participant get any award, immediately Award money will be remitted to him, after deducting amount of the previously remitted
Award, if any, he might receive from the Debate.
22) Any tax liability with reference to Awards shall be deducted from the Award amounts.
23) Decision of the roganisers in the matters peratining to Debate will be final and binding on all particiapnts,
without any doubts and disputes.