Object of the Book is not money, rather to motivate people-en-mass to examine whether India can adopt a better
Constitution? Major part of the price realization amount of the Books will be used to meet the cost of Debate. According to
our rough estimates, the Debate cost on account of each participant may be in the following manner:
One Guaranteed Award in each initial group of 10 initial participants =Rs.100/-
One Consolatory Awards out of every Twenty Guaranteed Awardees =Rs.50/-
One Semi Award out of every Ten Consolatory Awardees
One Brilliancy Award out of every Five "Semi" Awardees
One Excellency Award out of Twenty Five "Brilliancy" Awardees =Rs.20/-
On account of all Semi Awardees to attend one to one
debate to select Brilliancy and Excellency Awardees
at the final part of the debate
Management Cost of Debate
Total estimated cost for Debate on account of each individual participant may be more or less Rs.325/-, including the Award
amounts given to Awardees.