Convenor : Movement for Accountability to Public (MAP)
Columnist : For Several DAILY Newspapers in India
(Old Name: Milap Chand Choraria)
Address for Correspondence Only :-
B-5/52, Sector-7, Rohini,
New Delhi-110 085 MOBILE: 011-20036132 Dated 25th June 2004
Youre Excellency Sir, Shri A. P. J. Kalam,Honble President of India,
Rashtrapati Bhawan,Delhi-110004
Youre Excellency Sir,
Since childhood I am committed with and followed the life style with High Moral Standard, honesty, sincerity.
I was inspired and influenced by the world famous great saint, my grand uncle and successor of Anuvarat Movement Launcher
Acharya Tulsi: Acharya Mahapragnyaji (His Holinesss residential name was Nath Mal Choraria). During this years eve-independence
address to the nation, Your Excellency Sir, particularly referred His Holinesss name with reference to moral issues. Two of
my own sisters are saints under Acharya Mahapragnyaji.
Since childhood I am active against corruption, and on the basis of my own experience I can submit that the
Corruption or Probity both are moving or continuously can prevails from top, not from lower level. What I have done with great
pain for the larger National Interests and Public importance, if I could have done as a Citizen of United State of America,
I might have been awarded one of the Top Award from that Country. But, my sincere steps in the larger Public and National
Interests, without any intention or motive for personal gain or benefit, I have annoyed a large Number of Powerful and influential
people since their interests have been made questionable by such steps. As a Result, instead of any award, injustice was ensured
to me from the Supreme Court, under infringement of my Constitutional Rights guarantee Under Article 32 of the Constitution.
Therefore, I want to submit Your Excellency Sir, a Memorandum: ( Posted at Website:
https://milapchoraria.tripod.com/p2p on a very important issue of Larger Public Importance concerned to more than 1000 Millions Indian citizens
as well as to me. This is my Humble Submission that Your Excellency should take personal attention and after expert view,
if necessary, only Your Excellencys intervention can ensure Justice to me and restore the Guaranteed Rights of the Constitutional
Remedy, which at present have been withdrawn on the selective manner.
Therefore, this is my Humble Request to Your Excellency Sir kindly give personal attention, and if necessary
take expert views, then considering matter of larger public importance Kindly consult the Supreme Court under Article 143
of the Constitution to form its opinion on the issues referred in my Memorandum, are very much relevant to efficacy, Probity
and accountability in the Judiciary at the Highest Level. However, Honble CJI Mr. R. C. Lahoti also intended to establish
probity in the Judicial System as such I am also sending a copy of Memorandum to His Lordship.
With Best Regards,
Your Excellencys law Abiding Citizen
(Milap Choraria)
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