Phone: 45-6465
Milap Chan Choraria 24/29, Binoba Bahve Road, Calcutta-700038
Dated 27.3.1990
Honble Shri Bhakti Bhusan Mondal,
Minister-in-charge, Co-operation Department,
Government of West Bengal,
Respected Sir,
- One Shankar Lal Bhatter on the strength of Membership of his 3 (three) sons and 4 other persons with intention to create
pressure for sale of the properties of the society to one interested private building promoter got filed 3 dispute cases.
- His one son Sharwan Kumar Bhatter got conducted proceeding of Dispute Case No. 43/RCS of 1987-88 under Criminal conspiracy
with help of Mr. N. Goswami, C. D. O., of Cooperative Directorate, on the basis of fraudulent statement and forged documents
and got an award in his favour at the cost of 30 other members of our society.
- He got inserted some orders under Criminal conspiracy with help of some senior officers of Co-operative Directorate.
- Aforesaid Sharwan Kumar Bhatter though mere paid Rs.6,050/- but submitted false claim on that he made payment of Rs.51,600/-
to be accepted under Criminal conspiracy with Mr. N. Goswami and others and exhibited forged document.
- As the membership of aforesaid 7 (seven) persons including the said Sharwan Kumar Bhatter was ceased by operation of law
since 25th January 1987 as such they on false representation influenced the authorities concerned and the Registrar
also acted under the said influence.
- Therefore, State Government appointed Administrator is highly illegal, undemocratical manner, which can only help to the
said private building promoter whose eyes is on the properties.
Therefore, your Honour may kindly interfere in the matter for withdrawal of said illegal, undemocratical
notification, Xerox copy of of which is enclosed herewith for your ready reference.
With regards,
Yours faithfully
Sd/- Milap Chand Choraria
(Milap Chand Choraria)
Enclo: A/a.
Remarked by Honble Shri Bhakti Bhusan Mondal, Minister-in-charge, Co-operation Department, at the left side of the letter:
"Mr. Mazaumdar, Please look into the matter"
(Mr. Mazumdar was Dy. Regisrar of Cooperaive Societies, CMHA